The world is big yet so small.


Dear diary, this week has been a hectic week for me. Two class tests in a week made me kisiao. Luckily today i didn't need to go to school. If not, you would have to come to Tanjung Rambutan to visit me. I was busy finding a new background for my blog. Coz I bushuang with my current layout. Every time I view my blog, I see the same layout. Very sien. You guys are also bored with it, right?

Last Saturday, my mum and I went for yoga class as usual. We did a lot of breathing exercises that day. After yoga class, we can smell the fragrance of our king of fruit coming from downstairs. DURIAN!!! FYI, I like durians very much. I enjoy eating them. The ones who hate durian, you have to consult a doctor. When we went down, we saw a long wooden table and hundreds and thousands durians on the table! A middle-age woman walked towards us, she says :" Good afternoon, would you like to have some durians? We're having a durian feast here." We were like : Huhhhh? My mum and I sat down and had some since our yoga friends wanted to eat also. It's amazing to have a bunch of friends, sitting down, enjoying durian and chit-chatting. We ate the durians for free! It's totally free of charge. The durians tasted good. It was like a pay back after a torturing yoga class. Feelin' great.


Are you drooling?

I miss durians so much until I thought my class photo was a durian.

Last Sunday, I was really pissed off with GSC cinema. I wanted to book Harry Potter movie tickets through internet. I was so happy that I found four amazing seats. But I don't know what's wrong with this GSC online booking thingy, I couldn't book them. What the fish. I was so mad. After guitar class, I went to queue up to buy tickets of HP. I was happy to see that HP was only 'Selling Fast", not "Sold Out". The queue was sure long. I kept hoping there's still seats for us. Yay! My turn. But what the fish again. The fish GSC people said tickets were totally sold out. I pointed out that the small tv said it's still selling fast but not sold out but the malay girl said "oh. sudah habis la". You don't know how I feel that time. It was like I had flunked my maths. After that, I wandered around the shopping mall. Suddenly, I saw someone familiar.. It was HweiQing. I was damn mad that time and I didn't wanna give a damn to say hi to her. And soon, I left. I bought HP Part 1 in a CD shop without telling my mum. HAH. I felt awesome watching it again. I was not so moody then.

My brother went to some sort of camp today. Sighs. I hope he will miss me. I guess I couldn't make it to watch HP again this week coz my brother is coming back at 4pm tomorrow. He will be tired by then. Sighs. Nothing special happened today. Only that my yoga teacher praised me for doing well in yoga class. HAHAHA.

Who is generous enough to spare me and zhisan a ticket to Eason's concert?  Puh-leasee.
What should we do for talent time?

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